The waterways in the Coastal Bend can often get crowded, especially in Corpus Christi, where it seems like everyone has a boat. With the popularity of fishing in the area, it can be frustrating waiting to get onto the water at certain boat ramps. But kayak fishing allows you to bypass the ramps entirely, leaving more time for fishing. It also lets you get to places motorized boats can’t go.

There are many designated kayak launches along the coast, practically all along the shoreline. These are often in areas that are inaccessible to boats due to their size or the depth of the water. Kayaks let you paddle into tight spots where fish congregate, ensuring even inexperienced anglers a catch of the day. Because you move quietly through the water, it’s easier to approach schools of fish and cast your line. Hook a big guy? Let him pull you along for a fun ride!

Kayaks are low maintenance and inexpensive to own. They take up minimal space, and deciding to go fishing is as easy as strapping the kayak onto your vehicle! It’s also a great way to get exercise and see parts of the shoreline up close. Without a noisy motor, you increase your chance of spotting all kinds of sea creatures and birds as well.

If you haven’t tried fishing from a kayak, rent one this weekend and check it out!

Whether you’re fishing this weekend or enjoying other activities, let Boat Stop Storage keep your boat safe and protected. For more information or to reserve your spot, check out our website here or call us at (361) 937- 2423.

Boat Stop Storage

502 Graham Road
Corpus Christi, TX 78418

Phone: (361) 937-2423

Email: info@boatstopstorage.com


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